A Spoonful of Salt

A Spoonful of Salt
Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. But for this blog, please take it with a spoonful.

Friday, April 18, 2008


Now, im not particularly vain or anything but I have a bit of a cosmetic problem that I am hoping you all can help me out with... I get these terrible cold sores on my face- usually around my mouth but most recently on the tip of my nose (gross, I know!). The cold sores dont stay too long which is nice but they always leave a scar in their wake...which totally stinks! Now, if they were shaped like lizards like the one above, maybe that would be cool. But they never are. They are just red blemishes and the one on my nose now makes me look all rudolph-y :( I have been putting liquid Vitamin E on it twice a day for a month now and it doesnt seem to be working. Any suggestion on how to naturally (meaning not Mederma or any commercial product) get rid of it? Please help or im going to have to move to the North Pole and never get to spend another chirstmas with my family!!!


  1. Well, I could say that I don't get them as often now that I'm eating better and excercising. I could also recommend that you wash your face and hands more often. However, none of that stuff is fun. Go to the Doctor and get some Valtrex. Then, whenever you feel a cold sore coming on, take some and the cold sore will never know what hit it.

  2. I used to get them all the time as a kid - in fact, it seems they would show up on picture day! As an adult I rarely get them but actually had a small one on my lip recently.

    A relative of mine gets them quite often but it seems to be related to another health condition they have. She gets them on her mouth and in her nose and ears. Painful! She takes Valtrex prescribed by her doc. So as Jonathan suggested you might want to visit your doc.

    Another suggestion is to take L-lysine. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/lysine-000312.htm
