A Spoonful of Salt

A Spoonful of Salt
Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. But for this blog, please take it with a spoonful.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Running, Eating and Anniversary!

Running and eating (but not at the same time)- These are my two biggest struggles lately. I have taken an extended vacation from running. Not for any particular reason- just laziness, I guess. AND it is getting really cold outside and I HATE the cold weather. But that really is just an excuse to be lazy. Now about eating right....grr...This is the major one. Im sorry but I love food! I know im not the only one out there who does. Maybe just one of the few who can admit it. Word!? So, because of the pressure from my brother to run and a certain Caribbean cruise that I (and my beloved) am taking first of February, I am going to get busy. I have to stop being lazy and get moving! I am going to start JOGGING asap and stop eating like crap. I dropped 15lbs last year for my wedding. Surely, I could do that again in two months for our cruise. After all, I certainly dont want anyone mistaking me for a whale. :(

Anyway, congrats to Jonathan for his record time at the 2008 Turkey Trot here in Dallas. Wish I could have been there Bro! Watch out, White Rock is right around the corner!

Also, today is my 1 year wedding anniversary!!! Hard to believe it has been a year. I look forard to many more. I love you so much Drew! You truly are my better half (okay, more like 75%)!